I'm Hamza Nasher-Alneam

A second-generation Syrian immigrant with an interest in computer stuff

About me

I'm a high school student in the United States. When I have time, I like to do programming, which has been mostly full stack web dev. Now, I'm learning Kotlin for Android development, trying out Godot for the school Game Dev Club, and writing C++ code for the school robotics team. Currently using the Fedora KDE Spin.


As mentioned above, I've been just experimenting around recently, working on a bunch of small projects in Python, GDscript, Java, and Kotlin, until I find something good enough to stick with. If you want to see whatever project I'm working on this week, it'll be up on my GitHub.

A ambitious project I was working on in JavaScript was Git Organized, a project management and planning tool; web hosting isn't working right now, but you can set it up yourself if you like.

Other work

Another small tool I made is Activity Log, which is meant to be used for tracking time. It's a really cool project, with a nice design and charts and everything. I'm trying to make this an Android app.

Recently, and friend and I made a developer profile tool for a hackathon project; here it is. Right now it only fetches data from GitHub.

My really old work includes some games; they are still up on my GitHub.


Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python

IDEs: VIsual Studio Code, Android Studio, Jetbrains IDEs sometimes



Keyboard layouts are programmer's dvorak (~100wpm) and arabic 101 (~15wpm).

Fedora 40 KDE Spin, Windows 11 (unfortunatly), and ChromeOS for school.


I use Python, sometimes, when I can't avoid it. The worst parts are varibles and the dependance on indentation.

The type checking in Java is actually really nice.

I use open source when possible.


Urdons and I won first place and the technical award at the MAGIC STEP Challenge! Here is our project and presentation. February 24 2024

Our school robotics team got into the VEX state championship! The current game is Over Under. February 11 2024

Justin and I won third place at the MAGIC cybersecurity CTF! Here are the results. April 20 2023

Fun stuff

Developer jokes! Check them out

Change the website color theme


Publish your Plasma Widget

May 15 2024

A quick tutorial that shows how publish a KDE widget on the widget store.

The iMessage Lockin

Dec 1 2022

Didn't update this for the RCS announcement, but that'll take a while to come into effect and still won't change much socially in the U.S.

An Argument Against Folding Phones

Dec 1 2022

They're expensive, fragile, and impractical